Monday, November 26, 2007

Haley's Doctor's Appointment

this morning, i took haley to the doctor's office for her 15-month check-up. i have yet to understand why they lock me in a small room with a 15-month from 30 minutes to an hour without toys or books or anything. what do they expect me to do with a wild toddler? needless to say, we ran around the room. haley got into everything she could while i tried to keep her from digging in the trash or better yet that thing were they dispose of needles under the sink. luckily, we found a bouncy ball in our diaper bag - that works well to entertain a toddler. however, we did resort to putting on her winter hat & letting her run around looking so cute. oh wait, she took off her sock too ...

by the way, she is growing like a weed ... weighing in at 26 lbs (90th percentile) & she is 32 3/4 inches tall (97th percentile).

ps. did i mention that she peed on me after the doctor came in? memories!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Mountains

mommy & daddy took vacation this week. at the beginning of the week, we went to a cabin in the mountains for some time to just chill as a family! it was really pretty up there.

mom especially enjoyed the outdoor fireplace!