Sunday, April 6, 2008

Where did the Stevens go??

So, you might be wondering what happened to us --- well, I don't really know. We just haven't been on the blog lately doing updates. But in case you didn't hear our news --- we are expecting baby #2 in October. We are very excited & I'm just a little freaked about having two kiddos. I know it will be fabulous --- just not sure I can handle it. Oh wait, maybe that's b/c I'm nauseous & sick right now not to mention the 6+ weeks of other illness that have plagued our household. Anyways --- can't wait to meet our new bambino! Pray for us to get healthy & stay healthy. :)


Anonymous said...

OHMYGOSH!!!! Congratulations! You're so brave! I hope the sickness goes away soon! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! :)

The Gerborgs said...

so excited! two is fabulous and fun ... oh, and just a little busier :) ... but still wonderful all the same!

Kfranklin said...
